Poetry Friday – Zine Swap

It’s Friday! And you know what that means: Poetry! Want to know more about Poetry Friday? Click this link right here. And be sure to check out Mainly Write to see this week’s round up of wonderful poetry related posts, blogs and goodness. ________________________________________ I recently discovered zines (short for magazines). These little mini magazines that can cover the whole gamut of possible content.  And they can be very basic or very ornate. Just do a quick image search for “zine examples“. But, at their core, they are very easy to make. Many (like mine below) are made out of one … Continue reading Poetry Friday – Zine Swap

Why I’m Glad I Attended the SCBWI Mid-Year Workshop

So the SCBWI 46th Annual Summer Conference kicks off this weekend and I thought it would be a great time to recap the regional conference John and I went to last month. Let’s just say that we had such a blast in Orlando that we’ve now set a goal to attend the big conference in LA next summer. For those who don’t know, SCBWI is the largest children’s writing organization in the world. Basically, it is a nonprofit that facilitates networking for people (writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, booksellers etc) involved in creating children’s literature. In my opinion, it is an amazing … Continue reading Why I’m Glad I Attended the SCBWI Mid-Year Workshop

Exciting Times + July Goals

OK. So I’m actually really excited about a few things. John and I are collaborating again An editor is interested in seeing the completed manuscript for one of my picture books I got 3 more rejections (totaling 8 for the year) I’ve decided to do a semi-regular book giveaway (starting this month) 1. A few weeks ago, John and I attended an SCBWI workshop. It was great to get out together for the day sans children. Thank you in-laws! I will be writing a separate post specifically about the conference, but we learned a lot and were inspired. It’s been … Continue reading Exciting Times + July Goals

John’s on a Jet

My amazing husband, John, flew up to the SCBWI Winter Conference in NYC this weekend. I am super excited for him. Yeah, and maybe a little bit jealous. He loves NYC in the winter and seeing how they just got dumped on, I am sure that he is happily freezing his butt off. I’ve watched John over the last few months work so hard to hone is illustrating craft and to prep for the conference. I hope that all his prep pays off and he is able to have an enjoyable time and make some good contacts. I can’t wait … Continue reading John’s on a Jet

January Writing Update

As a way to be more accountable with my writing, I will give a quick little update here on the blog at the end of each month. This past month has been a success, I believe. I was able to attend an SCBWI writing conference in Miami, which was great. I took a picture book intensive at the conference from the marvelous Jane Yolen and her daughter Heidi Stemple. To be honest, I was a bit star struck. But once I was able to gather my wits, I was able to learn so much. If I had to pick the … Continue reading January Writing Update