Poetry Friday – Summer Swaps and Poemtober

It’s Friday! And you know what that means: Poetry! Want to know more about Poetry Friday? Click this link right here. And be sure to check out Jone Rush MacCulloch’s blog to see this week’s round up of wonderful poetry related posts, blogs and goodness. 

Hello friends! It has been forever since I have participated in Poetry Friday. At the start of the pandemic, I was so optimistic about all the wonderful creating I would get done being cooped up inside with my family. Instead, the total opposite happened. And that is with my family being in the best case scenario–we haven’t gotten sick, my husband has been able to continue to work remotely and my daughter adjusted to online school well. It really just kind of sucker punched me. And I’ve felt guilty because we’ve been able to cope relatively well.

I was so incredibly grateful when Tabatha reached out and asked if I wanted to participate in the summer poetry swap. It brought me so much joy to do something a little creative. I am so sorry that I am just now sharing these wonderful swaps. Both Kat’s and Tabatha’s swaps were rays of sunshine when I just felt like wallowing with my rain clouds.

I was excited by Tabatha’s optional prompt “In case of Sparkle” and her extra optional prompt to do a zine. It had been awhile since I had done one, and it so much fun!

In an effort to get back into the swing of writing poetry and just being creative, I’ve decided to do Poemtober again this year! A few years back, I combined Poemtober with Inktober and I hope to do the same thing again. One of the magical things for me is that, because I do not consider myself a great artist, there is little stress involved in creating these daily drawings and poems. There’s no pressure because I don’t have to live up to some imaginary standard I’ve built for myself. Below are the words I’m planning on using for my poem inspirations.

19 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Summer Swaps and Poemtober

  1. So much to love here, Becky, your poem swaps, the zines & that you took Tabatha’s challenge & created your own. Good for you for taking on Poemtober & Inktober – will be fun & keep you going! Glad to see you back!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I must start with expressing love for the dragon poems; years ago (as a teenager) I wrote a poem about a baby dragon, just for fun, and so this image remains dear to me. Glad to see his kinfolk alive and well, flying into other poems! I also love the idea of Poemtober and Inktober – and your photos are so amazingly festive. A vibrant and beckoning post – just like the inviting fall season!

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    1. You Poe poem was fantastic! A few years ago (2018) the Horror Writers Association declared October 7th (the day Poe died) as National Dark Poetry Day. Maybe I’ll be able to do a Poe poem to celebrate.


  3. Weren’t you lucky to be at the receiving end of swaps from Kat and Tabatha!? I’m so glad they inspired you to create some sparkle. I’ve parked your Poemtober words on my desktop and will keep them in mind as October approaches. It’s always good to have a prompt in your back pocket! Thanks for sharing all the goodies!

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  4. Becky, the sparkle on this page is dazzling. I can see why Tabatha’s words and zines inspired you to create during pandemic times. I am so glad that you family is happy and safe. Now on to Poemtober and October. Maybe you will see me on your trail to a new adventure. All I need to do is figure out how to transverse my own pathway to sell my house on Long Island and safely exit to Virginia where my new build will await.

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  5. Yippee! So glad you dipped your toe back into the creativity pond. Your ‘sparkle’ zine shines! I’m in awe of Kat and Tabatha’s offerings – talent abounds. Thanks for sharing the Poemtober prompts…let the creative juices flow. 🙂


  6. It’s super good to see you here! This pandemic sure has been a creativity killer. I don’t think there’s any right way to approach or encounter a pandemic. They way out is the way through. You just have to do the best you can. So glad you got some great swaps. I just love the swaps so much! Now that you’re on a roll it will be good to see you the way we know you in October.

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    1. Thanks, Linda. It feels good to be taking baby steps again. I just love the fall season so there is a lot for me to enjoy right now. Except the FL weather here. 🙂


  7. Guilt doesn’t do ANYone any good! And I know this from experience of both giving and receiving… from others, but more so from my mean ol’ self. Sounds like you and I are both trying to claw our way out of our respective funks. I can see how receiving those fun swaps was just what the doctor ordered. Hang in there, Becky. I look forward to catching up with your Poemtober inspirations when I can! Love your sparkle zine, BTW.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have to investigate doing a zine. They look fun. The summer poetry swap as well as the winter swap helps to keep the creative juices flowing. I will be participating in Poemtober. I love doing them.


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