Poetry Friday – Poetry Prompt + The Best of TLD

It’s Friday! And you know what that means: Poetry! Want to know more about Poetry Friday? Click this link right here. And be sure to check out Today’s Little Ditty to see this week’s round up of wonderful poetry related posts, blogs and goodness.

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! I will be hosting next week, so be sure to see my optional prompt for next Friday at the end of the post.

I am so excited to share the news that The Best of Today’s Little Ditty 2017-2018 is officially out.

Michelle was one of the first people that I “met” through the Poetry Friday community. She works tirelessly to help children’s poetry reach a wider audience and I am so happy to be a part of this collection. A big thanks to Michelle and the Ditty Committee for all that went into creating another great volume of poetry.

Optional Prompt

I was perusing the National Day Calendar the other day. I am unsure if it is because Thanksgiving falls in November, or if we collectively have an affinity for food, but there are a ton of featured foods this month. From “National Deep Fried Clams Day” to “National Raisin Bran Cereal Day”, there are nearly enough food days as there are days in November.

I thought it would be fun to write a poem about what food you feel is most deserving of its own National Day. Or perhaps there is a food that you find so disgusting that it should never have its day in the spotlight. Either way, tell us why in a poem. Happy writing!

16 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Poetry Prompt + The Best of TLD

    1. Growing up, we always ate the cranberry gel from a can. Now that I cook thanksgiving dinner, I make fresh cranberry relish and it is sooo much better!


  1. You sure are good at this poetry prompt business, Becky! I’ll have to look at the padlet and see if there are any food poems there. Food is a favorite topic among ditty writers, so there’s a good chance there might be. Thanks so much for bringing attention to Volume 3 today. “Slurpee” and “Dolly” are both so much fun!

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  2. I vote for National Never Had Day. Eat a food you’ve never had and don’t know anyone who has ever eaten it. Then share stories about it around a virtual or real campfire. I always like to roam the grocery store and find new foods and try them. Bonus points if I can get my kids to try them.

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  3. What a fun prompt, Rebecca! I’m a bit out of touch with the different National Food Days and I always feel a bit distraught when I realize that I’ve missed out on National Ice Cream Day or Cookie Day. Now, you tell me there’s a calendar to keep track of these days! Whoa!

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  4. I read through your post several days ago but I guess I never posted a comment. Congratulations on being part of Michelle’s TLD collection, Becky. I am presenting at NCTE 19 this weekend. Many of the PF poets will be there, so I am not sure if I have time for a quick poem on the topic of your choice. Maybe I will squeeze it in. The prompt looks interesting.

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  5. My mother in law used to make sauerkraut cabbage rolls. How I miss them. I went searching to see if there was a national sauerkraut day and there is! I also discovered that there are many places that have sauerkraut celebrations, but not all on the same day. According to the calendar you posted, there is a sauerkraut week! Whoopee! I’m now off to let my sauerkraut poem ferment for a bit before I share it.

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