Poetry Friday – Autumn

It’s Friday! And you know what that means: Poetry! Want to know more about Poetry Friday? Click this link right here. And be sure to check out Amy’s blog, The Poem Farm, to see this week’s round up of wonderful poetry related posts, blogs and goodness.
It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year! Fall is hands down my favorite season. While we don’t get much of a season change here in Florida, I can still imagine the crispness of the air, the colorful leaves, and the creepiness of Halloween.
I am also excited because this will be the first time that I am participating in the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril (RIP) reading challenge. You can read a bit more about it here.  Basically to participate you read at least one spooky (defined broadly) book in September/October. I’ve chosen 6 books because I like to read, I’m an over achiever and/or I’m a glutton for punishment. Here are the books I have picked.
To celebrate the changing of the season guard, I decided to write a little poem about Fall. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for stopping by. And Happy Autumn Equinox!
The sun, tired of the green summer,
Peeks through his kaleidoscope
And twists the world into vivid color.

13 thoughts on “Poetry Friday – Autumn

  1. Yea! i love fall, too–definitely the best time of the year for me, and I am thankful Indiana has glorious falls! Our front porch is loaded with pumpkins and gourds and the leaves are just starting to hint at the kaleidoscope of colors to come. I love that image in your poem. I have to be careful with spooky books (a tendency to have nightmares still), but I just finished a sweet ghost story I picked up on vacation–The Wildwood Ghost Mystery. Can that count?


  2. I'm totally afraid of scary books. My students always knew that about me. Fall is my favorite season, so I'm always glad when it arrives. And your poem is delightful. I love that the sun “twists the world into vivid color.” Perfect poem for teaching personification, too.


  3. Hi Rebecca, I found your poem as I was searching for a fall poem for my daily classroom slides (3rd grade). I found it on Saturday night and have been counting down the days until it popped up on my slides. Then, after sharing it with my classes, it has stayed with me. I had to know more; where did it originate, are there more poems like this one? So, I went back to it and found this page.
    Now that I’ve perused a few of your pages and read a few more poems, I’m hooked.
    Thanks for sharing! Hopefully your poetry will inspire my students to love poetry and the written word.

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    1. Hi Brandy! Oh my goodness! You made my day. 🙂 I am glad that you and your students enjoyed the poem! Autumn is my favorite time of year. I now live in Florida so I always sort of pine for the fall leaves and crisp air of up north. Poetry is one way for me to “sneak” away and enjoy the season.


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